2025.2.5 星期三 8:30pm 林舍文化「即刻作曲」系列緊急策劃,蛇年超快閃首發🧨
來自法國的即興大提琴家Vincent Laju與來自柏林的日本聲音藝術家Mizuki Lshikawa 石川観月、旅歐的臺灣音樂家作曲家林琬千以及即興笛樂演奏家林小楓將共同探索聲音的無限邊界,透過大提琴、笛子、DIY電子設備以及聲音裝置交織出一場跨越傳統與前衛的音樂盛宴。
文森特·拉朱 Vincent Laju |大提琴
石川観月 Mizuki Lshikawa | 電聲裝置
林琬千 Lin Wan qian|裝置式聲響演出
林小楓 Lin HsiaoFeng | 笛樂
地點:林舍文化 Lin’s Culture
門票:請洽 林舍文化 02-23418000
文森特·拉朱 Vincent Laju
居住在柏林的法國音樂家,他在法國學習和畢業。Vincent Laju以大提琴為主要媒介,用繪畫、詩歌、電聲學和原始有機材料(木材、馬毛、物體)作曲。
他最近在柏林的Monat der zeitgenössischen Musik與Elo Masing一起演出。並且在巴黎與Grand8和LFDS一起在巴黎的星座節上表演,由愛爾蘭當代音樂中心舉辦的Topographies Festival,演奏了Francis Heery的作品。受Pierre Schaeffer作品的啟發,他將圖形研究集中在聲音的形態特徵上。他的圖形和聲音作品系列《Zeilen》定期在法國和德國演出和展出。
French musician based in Berlin, he studied and graduated in France.
With the cello as his main medium, Vincent Laju composes with drawing, poetry, electroacoustic, , and raw organic materials (wood, horsehair, objects).
He plays chiba 尺八 shakuhachi aimlessly.
With a focus on improvisation he collaborates with artists from all discipline, from solo to large ensembles such as Berlin Improvisers Orchestra or Grand8.
He recently performed at the Monat der zeitgenössischen Musik in Berlin with Elo Masing, Festival Constellations in Paris with Grand8 and LFDS, Topographies Festival presented by the Contemporary Music Centre Ireland, playing compositions by Francis Heery.
Inspired by the work of Pierre Schaeffer, he focused his graphic research on the morphological characteristics of sounds. His graphic and sound work series
« Zeilen » is regularly performed and exhibited in France and in Germany.
He has performed in festivals and concerts in Europe and Asia.
石川観月 Mizuki Lshikawa
石川観月是位於柏林的聲音藝術家。 石川観月在與物品和DIY電子產品的即興創作中,運用日常用品和反饋技巧操縱空間的聲學環境,同時透過簡單的手勢和普通的活動探索性能的條件。
Mizuki Ishikawa is a Berlin-based sound artist. In her improvisations with objects and DIY electronics, Mizuki manipulates the acoustic environment of a space using everyday items and feedback techniques, while simultaneously exploring the conditions of performance through simple gestures and ordinary activities.
林琬千 Lin Wan qian
Cross-over Integration Narrative Improvisation Through.Sound Dance Poetry Painting Writing the Self Winona Lin established Zweiart, launched as a group of interdisciplinary / sound artists and ongoing as performances and the monthly „Series Full Moon Experience“. Her and other like-minded artists, work together as an art group set to explore contemporary artistic materials and expressions within the fields
of Sound Art, performance and Sonic concerts.
Formed organically through a collaborative process, the group is built on the basis of poetics of inner language crystallized in different art forms.Live performances or concerts with pre-recordings by combining sounds of different origins ( electronic, human and musical ), physical languages, visual imagery and interactive installations generate an artistic environment within the contemporary New Music scene.
Since 2022, artist-researcher, curator Kari Yli-Annala coordinator of Nomadic Academy chairperson of Harakka artists’ association(Harakka ry) Invite her to be a resident artist and participate in the art festival
every May 。 9. to 23.12.2023, participated in the joint exhibition atOksasenkatu 11 with the sound installation work Life of the Pupa.
Winona works as curator, composer and performer herself in Berlin since 2014.She was visiting or study at Musik Hochschule Düsseldorf : Klavier,Musik Hochschule Köln : Musikpädagogik, Musikhochschule Mainz :Klangkunst, UDK Berlin : sound studies and sonic art.
林小楓 Lin Hsiao-Feng
即興笛樂演奏家,擅長多民族管樂演奏。演出形式融合了傳統與前衛即興元素。多年來,他受活躍於各方藝術領域,與國內外不同的藝術家、藝術節及美術館合作,策劃並創作表演計畫,持續拓展笛樂的表現邊界。 自2011年起,他開始製作小型即興跨界音樂會,廣邀國內外表演藝術家參與系列演出。由他主持的林舍文化表演空間,已成為國際獨特音樂家來訪台北的重要平台。
2024年他以《即興貳拾壹Cadenza21》專輯獲美國“世界笛樂協會World Flute Society”頒發的『年度世界笛樂演奏家獎』。